Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Little of This, Little of That

This morning I had an interesting customer.  It was an elderly man.  He told me what a nice shop I have.  He said our town really needs shops like this.  He said, I sincerely hope your shop makes it.  Me too, me too.  He said his grandchildren are coming so he wanted to buy some sweets.  He was looking around and saw malted milk balls.  He said his wife loved malted milk balls and he never did.  She has passed on.  He told me a few stories about his wife and chocolate.  It was nice that Coco's was to spark good memories for him.  I enjoyed listening to his stories.  In a strange way it felt like an honor.  He had a walker.  When he was leaving I asked him if I could carry his bag out for him.  He said, yes.  For the first time I realized that is the correct way to handle it.  It put him in control.  My steps are brick and concrete and very deep.  Not safe with a walker.  When he was going down the steps he said he was being extra cautious.  I said, good.  He chatted more before I gave him his bag.  I think he will come back again.  I hope so.  Nice man.
I did some reading today.  It was making me tired so I decided to get up and do some cleaning.  It is not as bad as having to clean my house.  I still feel so proud of what I have accomplished here.  It shocks me once in a while that I dreamed it and made it happen.  Today my dream is a little cleaner.
I spent quite a bit of time reading today.  I am reading my book club read for August, The Aviator's Wife.  It is about Charles Lindbergh's wife.  I am only 34% into it.  Love it already.  Unfortunately, I am not going to be able to make the meeting.  Insert sad face.  I cannot find anyone to cover for me.  My niece plays volleyball.  Keeps her busy after school.  If I could get someone to cover for me, I would have to attend The Kid's baseball game.  I have not attended a game yet.  Insert sad face here too.
Thinking about changing my hours around.  The morning coffee thing is not happening.  I think I can push back my opening until 9:00.  That would be crazy.  Have more time in the morning.  I know it would make my adorable little Sassy happy.  Saturdays I would still open at 8:00.  More people are downtown on Saturday morning.  Might be closing earlier too.  I am going to start watching how late my customers stop in.  Do some adjustment.  After my niece finishes her sports, we will probably try being open late one night.  I'm all about adjusting my hours to fit my business needs.  The Paper came out today.  I put an ad in this week.  Mentioned my gift items.  Put in my Sunday hours.  Hope that helps. 
I had a few high school kids in today after school.  They are out early this week due to the heat.  There were three of them.  They looked around and decided to come back later with money.  Two of them did.  Nice kids.  Polite.  When they left they stopped wrote with sidewalk chalk.  Two large messages.  One says:  Be Crazy, Be Beautiful, Be You.  I like it.  Nice message to send.  The other says:  Let Your Freak Flag Fly.  Now I am all for people flying their freak flag.  Just not sure that statement is adorable in front of a sweet shop.  Wish it would rain so I do not have to be the one to wash it off.  I could wash all of the chalk off.  Like it is something I do on a regular basis to give others a chance to draw pictures.  I have done that once.  I really do not want to get rid of the chalk drawings.  Some friends came by for a visit on Saturday.  They drew some very artistic candy.  Adorable!!  For now, my Freak Flag will remain flying.  Whatever that means.
I do miss having my friends to talk to during the day.  Hope I do not become a crazy that has conversations with myself.  Asks the questions, answers the questions.  What that be letting my freak flag fly?  If so, the freak flag flies at my house all the time.  I may have talked out loud when I was killing flies today.  The shop is quiet and the buzzing gets very annoying.  I may have told a fly it did not stand a chance against me armed with a fly swatter.  I pride myself on one swat per fly. 
Here's to Letting Our Freak Flags Fly, whatever that means.......

Monday, August 26, 2013

I Was Right, He Was Wrong

There are things at the shop I am super good at.  There are also a few things I am not good at.  My weakness is numbers.   Hubby has been freaking out about taxes.  I did not see an accountant before I started my business.  Part of the whole preplan and organize thing, blah, blah, blah.  He did not believe I knew what I was doing.  My plan was to pay my state taxes on line.  When I got on to do pay the taxes I could not figure out what all I needed to complete on the forms.  I knew I was late.  It just did not seem like a huge deal to me.  Well, it is to Hubby.  He has been FREAKING the heck out.  How my business will be closed down.  I will be fined.  Blah, blah, blah.  He insisted I should be paying State Taxes, County Taxes, and City Taxes.  He would not believe me when I said that was not true.  He does not trust that I research stuff.
Today I had an appointment to see an accountant.  I spent the morning working with all the numbers from July.  I knew there had to be a way to total sales and from that figure out what taxes would be.  I could not figure it out.  The way I did it took about 4 hours.  Mondays are slow so it was the perfect time to work on my paperwork.  Had it done in time for my appointment.
The first thing the accountant showed me was the formula for taking total sales and figuring out what the correct tax would be.  That wiped out the four hours I wasted going over the numbers.  Next he went through and showed me how to pay the taxes on line.  I was able to come home and get my taxes paid.
Here is the most important part of the very short meeting I had.  I was using the taxes correct amount for my taxes.  I was right that the only tax I need to pay right now is State.  Hubby was freaking that I should be paying quarterly.  I kept saying no.  He never believes that there are things I know.  Not going to lie, love being right.  I did not make a huge issue of my rightness.  No happy dance.  Sure I am bragging here.  He does not read my blogs.  So this is my happy dance.
The cool thing is, I know how to keep track of my income, figure out my correct taxes, and pay on-line.  That is so awesome.  Makes me very happy.  I love learning all this business stuff.  I also learned what I need to do at inventory time.  It is so exciting to me.  Learning all the things about having a business.  Fun stuff!!
I saw a couple of my brothers on Saturday.  One has not even been in the shop since it opened.  He lived less than two blocks from my shop.  Seriously!  So the brothers are asking me how it is going.  Finally, the brother that has never been in my shop asks if I am making any money at all.  Earlier I blogged about how I know there are people that are sure I am going to fail.  I would rather it not be family that is doing it.  I explained I am making money.  I have good sales.  Right now I am putting quite a bit of the money I make back in the business.  I also explained that retail sales cannot be looked at on a daily basis.  I do not think they are on Team Coco's Sweet Shop yet.  That's fine.  This is about me.  I am not doing it for their approval.  (I would enjoy their approval for a change.)
Life is full of negative nellie's.  I used to be one.  Not anymore.  I drank the water.  I am a believer!
One more time:  I was right, he does not have a clue.  That really feels great.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

My Security Question

When you set up an on-line account and get the question, "Who was your favorite teacher?"  I am sure someone easily comes to mind for you.  I have talked about the teacher that changed my life.  Now I will talk about my favorite teacher.  The teacher that is the answer to my security question.  She was my high school composition teacher.  I was cheated because she did not teach novel at the time I was in school.  Listening to her read was something special.  She read some excerpts from Grapes of Wrath.  That was wonderful.  Listening to her read was like listening to Paul McCartney sing.  I do not compare a person to Paul McCartney lightly!
Today she came into my little shop.  What a thrill for me.  Seriously!!  We had time to discuss books.  She loves Anita Shreve.  I love Anita Shreve.  She loves Wally Lamb, I love Wally Lamb.  You know this can go on for hours!  Readers usually love many of the same authors.  She is a special person and was an amazing teacher.
There are teachers that are fun.  I can name a few of those teachers.  There are teachers that make learning easy.  I can name a couple of those teachers.  There are teachers that make you want to earn an A so bad you can taste it!  She was probably my one and only in that category.  She also fit every other category.  Sitting in her class was never boring.  The lady loved to laugh and still does.  Not just laugh, laugh a big from the heart wonderful laugh.  She liked to have fun right along with the students.  Not to the point that her classes were out of control and a student could not learn.  I cannot imagine there was ever a student that did not take with them for life something from her class.  (Was that sentence a run on?)  I craved an A from her.  Never wanted an A so badly in my life.  We were given themes for our stories.  I would write a story, get it back slashed in red.  Here is the interesting part.  I would not get angry.  I read her comments and LEARNED from my mistakes.  Who knew that is how the system should work.  I cannot tell you what my final grade was in that class. 
She is a cat lady.  My cat had kittens.  One day she walked to my house on lunch with me to see the kittens.  That was special.  It surprises me when I look back at that.  I was poor.  My house was very rundown.  The only reason I would have taken her to my home was because I felt lucky to get extra time with her.  It also would have give me the opportunity to laugh more with her.  We did some laughing.  Big tears run down our face laughing.
I see her around town every once in a while.  When I talked to her a few years ago she suggested I start a reading journal.  I did and I appreciate having them.  (I have not been keeping up with my journal since Coco's.  Boo!)  One of the first things she said when she walked in today was, I hope you are finding time to read in here.  Arizona you know I thought of you! 
I told her she was my security question.  I cannot imagine how many people through the years have told her she was their favorite.  There cannot be very many students that did not enjoy and learn from her.  Today she reminded me they have a book club.  I really need to check it out.  I think I would feel intimidated.  I do not think I have ever called her by her first name.  That is something that is still difficult for me to do with teachers.  I do not think I ever use her name.  Too silly!! 
Point of the story, she came into my store.  We talked books.  We laughed.  We talked about life.  Tragedy.  Laughter.  Good stuff. 
What next, Willie Nelson coming into my shop to sing to me.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Last Day Of Summer

Today was the last day before the kids go back to school.  I will miss the kids stopping in during the day.  The shocking thing is they are not the majority of my business.  I have more really young kids being brought in by their parents than I do school age kids.  I enjoy the school kids.
It is surprising the majority of them are polite.  A few of the regulars are on their own during the day.  They said they get bored.  They usually do not have much cash.  They need to make a dollar go as far as they can.  What I love is the kid with the most money will give whatever money he has left to the kid with the least amount of money.  The kid with the money will make sure he has purchased what he wants first.  The thing is, they almost always share.  There are times a few boys will come in and one will not have any money.  His friends make sure he gets something.  Might only be some bubble gum but he will get something.  That surprises and pleases me.
The world wants us to believe that kids today are out of control.  I want to say, there are way more good kids than not.  They might not be able to count change.  Possible they cannot read.  But, they can be polite.
Today I had my second tour bus since I opened.  This was a larger tour than last week.  Think there were around 50 people.  I had a nice amount of people come through the store.  Great to have that busy time in the middle of my day.  Time went quickly.
Tomorrow is the first day of school.  Our grade school normally does this thing called a Clap In.  The parents and teachers line the sidewalks and halls.  As the kids walk in, everyone is clapping.  Clap In, get it?  I love it.  This year it will not take place due to construction in front of the school.  Bummer!  I am trying to entice Moms into Coco's for coffee tomorrow.  I have promised a clap in.  It will be me at Coco's door clapping alone.  Whatever it takes!  Fingers crossed I get a few Moms in.  If it does not happen soon, I will be opening later.  No sense in opening at 8:00 if I do not have coffee regulars.   I have a fresh batch of cake pops.  Going to pick up some cookies.  I have plenty of chocolate.  Great coffee.  Good combination for women that just dropped their kids off at school.  We can celebrate or commiserate.  Whatever.... 

Monday, August 19, 2013

Visiting Hell

Today I went to my old work place to visit friends.  It feels like I have been gone forever.  Walking in and seeing all the cubicles did not put me in my happy place.  Feels like a lifetime ago.  Seriously!  It has been two months and feels so much longer.  Anyway, I had to run some errands in the city.  Figured if I was going to drive by the old place, I should stop and see my friends.  Glad I did.  I do miss so many people.  The timing was bad.  I got there at lunch and missed talking to some key people.  Bummer!
Here is what is great about these people.  Well, one of the many things.  They are so happy about what I am doing.  They celebrate my successes.  They want to visit and share my excitement.  That is a great thing.  Proves I have good people around me.  If by around I mean 60 miles away and I do.  Some of my family have less interest than my friends.  A short visit with that group of people energized me.  They make me feel so good about my new life.  Thanks!  You guys rock!! 
I bought another small shelf to organize my backroom.  My backroom is very small.  I am trying to stock pile some inventory for the town festival.  I think I finally have it figured out.  Not completely done.  Need some help putting up a cabinet on the wall.  Beyond my skill level.  At least I have all the candy up on shelves so everything is easy to find.  I want it neat.  Hard to do in such a small space.  Getting there slowly.
Trying to find the right hours to have my shop open is a puzzle.  Most of the downtown is closed on Monday.  The only thing open is bars and the flower store.  Maybe a couple of offices.  I think people expect that I will be closed on Monday.  I will give it a couple of more weeks.  If I do not get more business, I will probably either close earlier or not be open.  Saturday business dies at 1:00.  I am open until 2:00.  Pee Wee football might have something to do with that.  Time will tell.  As long as I am not paying help, does not matter.  I can find things to do while I am there.  Not an issue right now. 
School starts Wednesday.  Could be a slow week for me.  Still trying to pull some morning coffee drinkers in.  Fingers crossed it happens this week.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Kids

I am a kid person.  Always have been.  I am sure that is partly due to the fact that I became an Aunt when I was 4.  I started babysitting when I was very young.  Ran a daycare while my children were growing up.  I love kids.
The hardest thing for me is the kids that do not have very much money.  They will have a dime and want help finding something to buy.  They can get two pieces of bubble gum for ten cents.  I will weigh candy if kids only have a little to spend.  Help them get the most they can for their money.  It is tempting to give candy away, but I do not.  I cannot.  What I do is when people tell me to keep the change I put it in a dish.  When kids are short, I help them out.  I have to be careful.  One day I helped a girl by paying her tax on the candy.  Next time she tried to pretend she did not have tax money when I saw it in her hand.  No.  That is not going to fly with me.  If you have money, pay.  I want to be able to help the kids that really are short.
There have been three instances where kids were short and I did not have change to cover them.  They were all regulars.  I told them I would cover the difference but they need to pay me back the next time they come in.  Two of the kids went right home, got the money, brought it back to be the same day.  One boy immediately brought the money to me the next time he came in the store.  Before he started buying candy.  I appreciate that.  Honestly, I had forgotten he owed me money.  I would not do that for every child.  Some come in here all the time, I know they will be back soon.
For the most part the kids are well behaved, and friendly.  They rarely litter out front.  I leave sidewalk chalk out for them to draw.  There has only been one instance where something crude was drawn.  Little water took care of that.
One terrible thing I have found out about kids is they cannot count change.  The majority of them cannot count change.  I am not sure they even know what each of the coins are.  Seriously!!  The majority are boys.  Some even in junior high.  That scares me.  Schools need to spend way, way more time on teaching children about money.  That is something every single child will need in life.  I know they have to teach for testing not for real life.  Just not right!!! 
My friend, Arizona asked me a few times to start this blog.  She thought I would come across many interesting things to share.  Arizona you are so right.  What a smart friend you are!  It also keeps me busy during slow times. 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

This Is What A Dream Come True Looks Like

I wish our little village had an entire street of shops that look like this.  I cannot believe it is mine.  (At least for a year.)  The bike sitting out front.  The chalkboard.  My flowers are over the top beautiful.  The red & orange container is sidewalk chalk.  Kids really do draw pictures and write their names.  If I am dreaming, don't wake me up.

Cupcake Saturday

Today was the first of what I hope is many of Cupcake Saturday.  There is a lady in my town that makes amazing cupcakes.  I sold 24 in just over 3 hours today.  She makes all kinds of flavors.  She puts frosting in the middle.  Yes, frosting in the middle.  Let's face it, the greatest part of any cake is the frosting.  A few years ago a friend and I discovered if you name a day, it becomes so much better.  We would have, "Greatest Day Ever" everyone once in a while.  The days always felt better too.  Saturday might become "Greatest Day Ever" at Coco's.  I love themes.
My revelation about owning a business this week is that the business is on my mind all the time. I might have shorter days at work than I did before, but I tend to do work related things even at home.  I am on the computer searching for one thing or another.  Right now it is not a bad thing.  I am having so much fun getting Coco's up and going.  I am sure in the long run, it will become exhausting.  My hope is that I can get into a groove and not have to spend so much time thinking about what to do next. 
The upside of that is I did not have to use my brain in my old job very often.  I really enjoy using my skills in the business.  There are so many different sides to the business.  Creative - decorating and displays, Organization - keeping track of merchandise, money, and so much more, learning to think with a business many things to learn.  It is fantastic.  There sure is a learning curve.
I had to figure out the best companies to order from.  It is not just about the cost of the product, shipping costs can be very high.  Cost of bags, or containers.  It all goes into the cost of the item.  I am still working on that skill. 
The best part is picking the merchandise.  That is so much fun.  I listen to people.  If several people suggest a candy, I know more people want it.  I do take requests.  Now that I have gift items and toys it is very fun to shop. 
I really will not know if I am good at it for at least a year or two.  I get great feedback.  I also get great suggestions from people.  Being willing to listen to other people's suggestions is a must.  I already feel so vested in my shop.  I have a new understanding about how terrible it must be for people that have to close their businesses.  It is so personal.  I hope I never find out.  I hope Coco's lasts so long that a grandchild decides to run it.
Another sweet day at Coco's.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Inside The Shop

Last year I bought a great coffee mug when we stayed at a Bed & Breakfast in Wisconsin.  I have never used it.  This morning I saw it and thought, perfect for Coco's.  Do not want to drink my coffee out of paper cups.  The Angel Inn was right on a beautiful lake.  We sat in the morning drinking coffee and having our breakfast looking at the calm water.  I filled my mug this morning and sat down to Coco's.  Looked at the window and knew I needed to count my blessings.  This is what I look at from inside.  The depot is right across the road.  I look out on small town America.  I am very proud to be a part of it.
Arizona I posted the picture for you.  I know you like to imagine me happily reading in my shop between customers.  When I do this is what I can look up and see.  Not a bad way to live!
Today was a very good day.  Only half over but it has been perfect.  I love it when friends and family come to Coco's for the first time.  It is the most fun when the friends who were a part of my life when I was unhappy and dreaming about a shop come in.  They are so happy to share in my joy.  Today one of my favorite couples came in with two vans full of family to see my shop.  It was wonderful chaos while they were here.  Their daughter said it was not a candy store, it was a cutie store.  Love that.  It is such a boost to hear friend's enthusiasm.  Easy to forget when I get caught up in the worry about money.
I had a family from town in the shop today that were first time visitors.  They complimented me on how adorable the shop is.  They also thanked me for opening the shop.  A few times they said, I cannot believe this is in our town.  Well our town deserves many more nice shops.  I hope people feel brave after seeing what I have accomplished.  It would be wonderful to have more unique shops.  Draw people here to do shopping.
The gift items I ordered are a hit.  People are buying them like crazy.  Some people are already buying for Christmas.  Going to need to reorder! 
It has been such a sweet day.  Not even over yet!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

It Is A Wild Ride

Something I did not anticipate when I opened the candy shop was that there are so many highs and lows.  It is easy to feel panic on slow days.  I have to get the mind set that it is not a sprint, it is a marathon.  There will be slow days.  There will also be crazy, wild, busy days.  I need to remind myself that next month I have a town festival, October is Halloween, after that is the Christmas season, January might be slow, I should benefit from Valentine's day.  I need to focus on long term.  That does get difficult when I am putting out so much money.
Today was an exciting day.  I received my shipment of Melissa & Doug toys.  Love them.  Start selling them before I had them all priced.  Feel like that was a good decision.  Last week I received my adult gift items.  I am very close to having everything in place.  The shop looks great!  Just needs a few tweeks.
Tomorrow is the first tour bus coming to town since I opened my shop.  There are usually a few a month.  Hope some of the visitors stop in my shop!  There will also be a bus next week.  Fingers crossed for a busy day tomorrow.
Had some great people in today.  In the morning a Mom & daughter that I know a little came in for coffee.  We did some "how to improve our town" chatting.  In the afternoon a Mom & daughter came in that I did not know.  The daughter now lives in Colorado.  We talked about all the great places to visit in Colorado.  Meeting new people is so much fun.  My daughter will tell you I do not mind chatting with strangers.
A Mom brought in her toddler today.  She said he slept in his big boy bed so he got to pick a sucker.  He picked one of my new HUGE suckers.  She was thinking .25.  He was wowed by the big one.  Almost $3.00.  Mom said next time she will be more specific.
My Coco spent the night tonight.  When your Grammy owns a candy store you can go in after in closes and get some bed lunch.  Rumor has it the store is being opened for the Grandson and his friends late tonight.  That is fun stuff!
Making memories at Coco's.  When my dream came true I did not know how many great things would come with it!

Monday, August 12, 2013

My Teacher

My second grade teacher takes yoga next door.  She did not know yoga was cancelled today and when she saw it was closed, came to have coffee at the shop.  The teacher/student thing is always weird for me.  She is Mrs. to me.  My daughter calls her by her first name because she teaches her yoga.  I cannot.  I do not call her by name.  Too awkward.
This is not any teacher.  She is the teacher that changed my life.  When I got out of First Grade I could not read.  I was in a terrible class.  The teacher could not cope.  It was always wild.  This teacher spent hours teaching me everything I had missed.  I would go in before school, stay late, sometimes even meet over lunch.  By the end of the year I was reading at a high level.  Only because of a dedicated teacher.  I have thanked her a few times.  She does not even remember it.  Life changing for me.  Nothing to her. 
Anyway, we sat and had coffee.  Chatted like she was just an ordinary person.  I was shocked to find out she only taught a few years.  She had her family and when she was going to get back into teaching she tried substitute teaching.  She did not like it.  She ended up working as a dietary aid instead of being a teacher.  Shocking to me. 
I miss having deep conversations with friends I have known for years.  Having people that I have private jokes with.  Now I have mini conversations with people I do not really know.  Some of them might become regulars.  We will chat.  I guess that has some positive points to it.  Maybe I will eventually make a real friend from the people that come in.
I have a few regulars.  One girl I went to high school with comes in once a week.  We did not know each other in high school.  Do not think we ever spoke.  Today we were chatting about grandkids.  Very odd. 
There is a young father that brings his two year old in once in a while.  We like to chat.  He is a good guy.  There are 3 boys that are regulars.  They are going in 5th grade.  Twins and their friend.  They are polite boys.  Enjoy talking to them.  They like knowing I call them regulars.  A Grandma brings in her granddaughter at least once a week.  Not bad for just starting out. 
One of my closest friends from high school and her sister come in every Saturday morning.  We have coffee and chat.  I really look forward to that.  It is fun to have her there.  She loves coming into the shop.  She was off work today and came in and spent time with me. 
A Grandma brought in her grandson the other day as a reward for using the potty.  She was very proud.  In typical boy fashion he acted like he did not care.  I hope this business succeeds so that down the road that little boy will remember his Grandma bringing him into the candy shop.
I meet people I have never seen before.  One couple Saturday, one couple today.  They moved to Dwight within the last couple of years.  Very friendly.  They seemed to enjoy having a place to stop in.  The couple today sat down and had some coffee.  We talked about nothing in particular.
You know my other regular.  She was in today.  She comes in about three times a week.  My teacher friend was there so she did not chat.  Happy Day!
I put in quite a few extra hours working today.  The shop closed early, there was still quite a bit to do.  I got a new line of gift items.  Lots of organizing to get the line ready to sell.  It felt like Christmas.  Too much fun.
Just another Monday in the candy shop.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Panic Sets In

I do not totally live in the Unicorn/Rainbow world.  There are times that panic sets in.  I think, what the heck was I thinking.  Why would I possibly believe opening a business was a good idea.  How arrogant to believe that I could be successful at something I know nothing about. 
Today is one of those days.  I want to go back in time.  Retire from my job and find a part-time job to do.  I worry about all the money I have invested.  If I dwell on it, it can FREAK me out.  I spent quite a bit of money this week.  I still believe in what I am doing.  That said, I face reality once in a while.  It scares me!  EEK!!
I feel like there are people waiting for me to fail.  I can tell the ones that come in the shop.  They sigh, I really wish you should could make it.  Well so do I.  Thanks for the encouragement. 
What I have already learned is I cannot get complacent.  Every single day I need to evaluate successes and failures.  I need to continually work at making Coco's a part of my town.  It needs to become a regular place that people go.  A child needs a reward, go to Coco's.  I know that fudge sells great.  That is because people cannot get fudge anywhere else in town.  Cake Pops sell well.  Cannot get them anywhere else in town.  See how this works?  Saturday at Coco's will become cupcake day.  There is a lady that makes amazing cupcakes here in town.  People rave about her treats.  I contacted her and she is excited to partner with me.  I do not want to sell the cupcakes every day.  It will be Cupcake Saturday. 
I will continually be looking for new things.  Unique ideas that sets Coco apart from any other place in town.  Working hard is the only way to succeed.  I want to be able to stand at the counter watching children's faces light up when they walk in the door.
Today my niece brought her family to my shop.  Her 5 year old said, I really love your sweet shop.  She said it about five times.  I love my sweet shop too!

Friday, August 9, 2013

A Man Was Buried and Coco's Had A Busy Day

There are many reasons business can be good or bad.  If it rains, no kids on bikes.  Farmer's Market means more business.  Never would have imagined a man's funeral would cause me to be busy.  First a couple of ladies came in.  They were having lunch at The Mansion and heard about my place, they came to check it out.  Next a few kids way over dressed for the sweet shop came in.  Looked like city kids to me.  They bought quite a bit of candy.  I asked why they were all dressed up.......not a good question.  They were burying their Poppop.  Very nice kids.  They were concerned about their Grandma.  They bought her a cake pop with hugs and kisses on it in sprinkles.  They were debating if they should get her a coffee.  I told them to just take her a cup.  After they left more people from the funeral started to trickle in.  They saw the other kids with candy bags and decided to come in.  They were all out of towners.  All of them bought quite a bit. 
So very strange that it caused my shop to become busy.
Today the fudge finally came.  The last few days have been exhausting.  So many deliveries means that I needed to carry boxes, move things around.  My storage area is small.  I need to be very organized.  Hard to do with the constant mess of empty boxes to be recycled.  I am over boxes!
Today was a very busy day too.  Wish I had sales like this everyday!!  No set reason for the business.  Just random people coming in.  The fudge arrived.  That always helps with the sales.  Purchased the fudge in cake pan size instead of loaf.  That should help me keep from running out.  At least I hope so.
Guess who was in to visit me today?  You are right.  She loves the chocolate covered caramels.  She must be so lonely.  Little bit crazy too.
One Grandma brought 7 grand kids in the shop today.  She said each child could get $2.00 worth of candy.  Those kids did not mess around.  Five of the kids figured out how to spend exactly $2.00.  The other two were too young.  Grandma ripped the two young kids off.  They did not know how little she spent on them. 
Meeting so many people.  Enjoying so many children.  I so love the little ones.  Especially, my two cuties.  My big kid grandchild is always busy now.  He might be outgrowing me.  Ugh!!
Good day in the candy world.  Hope tomorrow is more of the same. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Kids

A person does not open a candy store if they do not love kids.  I am no exception.  I had a home daycare for years and years.  I devote as much time as I can to my grandkids.  There is a 6 year old that comes into the store.  He lives on a farm and fancies himself a cowboy.  He does chores and gets an allowance.  He comes into the store with a bag of change.  His little brother does the same.  The little brother looks around grabs something and pays - done.  The cowboy has a system.  He brings one thing to the counter, pays, takes the change and finds something else.  Over and over he buys smaller things until he only has one or two pennies left.  Of all the kids that come into the shop, so far he is the only one that has it down to a fine science.  He is always very proud of himself too.  It is so much fun to watch the little kids that are using their own money.  One of the joys of my job!
Update on Molly Moped.  Yep, she was back in the shop today.  I am sure that is something off about her.  This is not a person working with a full deck.  She walks in the door and before she is even in she starts talking.  You would think we were best friends.  Today she had a story about someone stealing something from her son and how her son handled it.  She was very upset about it.  She was so worked up she did not give me an update on her health.  She also went to a garage sale and bought a Coach purse for $2.00.  The zipper does not work but that is fine.  She got another purse to.  She will bring it in and show me another day.  Looking forward to it.  Before she left she reminded me to go buy a lottery ticket, it is over $400 million.  Done.  I could rejuvenate the entire downtown with that amount of money.  Fingers crossed!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Security To Aisle One

Hubby likes to tell me over and over that Coco's is my shop.  He did not think starting a business was a smart or practical idea.  (UGH!  Hope he is not right.)  That said he is not afraid to tell me his opinions.  Strongly disagree with my opinions. 
One area we had an issue on was where I was putting the cash register.  Over and over he complained that the cash register needs to be at the front of the store.  That did not fit my vision at all.  Hubby was very concerned that kids would easily be able to shop lift and I would not be able to stop them.  I listened to his concerns and said, no.  I listened to his concerns over and over and said, NO.  He said, so you are just going to let kids rip you off and not do anything.  You won't be able to catch them from the back of the store.  That is hilarious to me.  There is no scenario where my plan is to run after a kid that took some candy from the store.  Seriously, not going to happen. 
Once Hubby figured out I was not giving in on putting the register in the front of the store, he started on security cameras.  Really?  Security cameras.  If I see a kid steal something from the store there are a few things that could happen:
If I know who the kid is, I will call the parents and let them handle it.
If I do not know who the kid is, the next time they come into the store, I will stand next to them.  I will let the child know that I am watching.  Odds are some things will get stolen.  Luckily, I can absorb that $1.50 loss once in a while.
Security Camera not needed.  Security guy, not needed either.
This is a small town.  I already have kids that are regulars.  Kids will tell on each other.  It is just how they are.  I had an instance where I figured out after a boy left that he probably took some gum.  He is high school age.  Next time he comes in the shop, I will be right next to him.  By the time he leaves the store, he will know that I don't trust him.  No security camera needed. 

Exact Change

Over the years I have worked quite a few jobs where I handled money.  It always frustrated me when older people would hold up lines to dig through their huge purses and deep pockets looking for EXACT change.  Ugh!!!  It was always older people that were obsessed with digging for every single penny.
When I was not working jobs that required exchanging money, I was frustrated being stuck behind someone in the grocery store, food line, or retail lines digging for change.  It was always my luck to get behind someone with a small suitcase that they knew had a penny somewhere in there. 
I cannot remember what age I was when I became THAT person.  I know, I know.  So ridiculous.  I have several rules about exact change in my life.  I will not hold up lines to dig for the exact amount.  I try to use the exact change when there is not a line behind me.
Cut to today.  I absolutely LOVE people that have exact change.  I cannot tell you how many people hand me a $20.00 for something that is $1.04.  Really?  They just do not want to take the time to look for exact change.  Running out of change is such a pain.  Figuring out what change I need is so time consuming.  Change is now a huge part of my life.  An unexpected part of my routine. 
This is an, Isn't Life Funny kind of blog.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

My New Sunday

There was a day that I disliked my job so much that it ruined Sunday for me.  Sunday became the day before I had to return to the job I disliked.  On top of that, I had to commute over 60 minutes to do it.  The closer to bedtime it got, the more I felt the doom of facing Monday.  There was a moment today that dread starting coming back to me.  I was thinking about getting up and driving.  All of a sudden it hit me, my commute in about 3 minutes.  Doom gone. 
Sunday does not go as fast as it used to.  I am able to sit back and enjoy it.  I do not get up as early as I did before.  I can stay up later.  I enjoy my free time more.
My friend and I have a joke that our lives are filled with puppy dogs and rainbows or unicorns and rainbows.  Mine is filled with rainbows and candy.  It really is.  Don't misunderstand, there are still many trials in my life, I am able to face them with more strength and happiness.  I feel like I have gained another day of the week.  It is a good one!

Support System

Hubby might not have jumped on board with my BIG Idea but many people did.  I have this fantastic support system.  So many women that give me such positive feedback and support.  Over and over I have heard, "I'm so proud of you.  You are so brave."  Still hear it.  Friend immediately offered to come and help me.  That is a great feeling.  Three friends were in a race in a morning and came to my shop to help paint in the afternoon.  They drove about two hours to do it.  I feel so blessed.
I was in a very negative work environment for a very long time.  That said, within that work environment I built so many great and lasting friendships.  I met so many strong and impressive women.  I feel like knowing all these women helped me to find the strength to make the huge life change I needed to make.  I could (maybe I will) write several blogs about the great women I know.  All of us have obstacles we work to overcome.  Most of us do it with the support of other women.  I think that is because it is easier for women to make decisions based on passion.  Men make decisions based on facts.  I get that is the wise way to do it.  It just holds people back from going after their dreams. 
It isn't just my friends and some of my family that have been supportive.  People in my town have been supportive.  People tell me how happy they are I opened a business.  We need more people to trust that they can open a business and have it survive in our little town.  I miss a downtown that had retail stores.  We have bars, restaurants, and businesses. 
I am still getting support.  I have people come by to see what changes I am making.  My very good friend I grew up with comes to the shop every Saturday to hang out.  She loves the shop almost as much as I do.  Friends come long distance to see the shop and congratulate me.  That is so awesome. 
Several times a day people come into the shop and compliment me on how cute it is.  What a nice job I did.  It gives me added strength to keep going.  To know I am on the right track.  From Day 1 I have felt that I am on the right track.  This is what I am meant to do.  I need to have the strength to stay with this.  Makes changes to improve on what I have started.  Keep researching and working hard.
We have all seen that saying: 
Find something you love to do and you will never work a day in your life.
I get it now.  Even when I come home I am on the computer researching.  I spend so much time thinking of ways to improve it.  I miss my shop when I am not there.  It is not all fun and games.  There are days I come home and I am emotionally and physically exhausted.  In a good way!!
I have told my friends that are still in the place I left that I feel guilty.  There is not one of them that enjoys what they are doing.  In the two months I have been out of there, it has gotten even more stressful.  I feel like I was a POW that was released.  I have this new and wonderful life.  But, I left the rest of my troop behind.  Not a good feeling.  I want everyone to do something they love.  At least something they know they were meant to do.  I know some smart and talented people.  They could be doing so much more.  They should be appreciated.  Sometimes it is not about the great benefits and good pay.  That cannot always make up for the fact that managers make employees feel like they are not good enough, not appreciated, just not........  So much negative is not healthy.
I have so much positive energy now.  Several times a day I think to myself there is not a bad day in a candy shop.  (Well financially there is.)  I love my job.  That makes me a lucky person.  Tomorrow I get up and do it again.

Friday, August 2, 2013

This Just In

I should have started writing this blog as soon as I knew my dream was going to come true.  Playing catch-up is going to take some time.  Some things cannot wait.  Unfortunately, I am going to need to jump back and forth when I have thoughts that cannot wait.  Would hate to forget them.
Today the elderly have discovered my store.  I am happy when anyone finds the shop and becomes a happy, regular customer.  I will not turn down ANY cash customer.  That is not to say, I will not suffer from some guilt.  An article appeared in the local newspaper about the shop this week.  That is bringing in new customers, big YEAH, applause, applause.
Now for the downside.  There have been two elderly gentlemen in the shop today.  The first one appeared in good health (until now).  He bought two slices of fudge and asked me to wrap them separately.  I'm sure his plan was to eat one piece now and the rest later.  Within an hour he was back for another LARGER slice.  Come into my web kind sir. This time he did not bother asking to have it cut and wrapped separately.  He is now out there with the fact it is his fudge.  At that moment I think I knew what it must feel like to be a crack dealer and have the customer come back immediately after one use.  Not a great feeling.  Well, it is somewhat of a great feeling.  I own that old man now and all of his exact change!
Next elderly gentlemen pulls up out front in his scooter.  Not the first person to ride their scooter to the shop.  He could barely get up the steps and into the store.  He said he wanted something with low sugar.  He did not mean sugar free.  I am going to guess that guy suffered from diabetes.  Don't you look down on me.  I have to sell to him.  It might be his only joy in life.  He asked for black licorice.  I do not carry it (will order it now).  I mentioned the black jelly beans (more sugar), and SOLD.  Another happy customer.
While I am confessing I might as well admit to the fact I sell fudge on a regular basis to my diabetic, on dialysis, brother.  I deliver it so he does not have to navigate the steps at my store.  Don't you JUDGE me.  I am not selling him the fudge by the pound.  Just a few slices. 
It is just another day in the life of a Candy Lady!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Name

I had the building.  I knew how I wanted it to look.  I needed a name.  I tossed around many names with friends and family.  After throwing around many names a name was picked.  I do not even know what the name was.  It did not take me long to figure out the real name was, Coco's Sweet Shop.  When I wanted a coffee shop the name was going to be Cup of Coco.  I know that is not coffee.  It was a nickname for my little granddaughter.  It felt right to use Coco for my shop.
When I would tell someone the name the response would be, won't your other grandkids be upset.  Over and over I heard the same thing.  Seriously, I never considered it a problem.  Each of my grandkids know in their hearts they are my favorite.  It is true.  They are all my favorite.  They each own an equal piece of my heart.  It did not cross their minds to ask why I did not name the shop after them.  It did not cross Coco's mind that I named the shop after her. 
Type of Business - Check
Building - Check
Name - Check
Over confidence - Check and Check
Color scheme was suggested by my friend and I immediately loved the idea.  Cornflower blue and chocolate brown.  When I purchased the brown paint it was called Corner Coffee Shop.  I was still on the journey.  Still sure I was being led by a higher power. 
I wanted all white furniture.  I imagined big wall shelves in that were cubes.  I wanted antique counters.  I was leaving work early one day to go to a resale store.  My friend that I was meeting took her son to work.  The business right next door to his was closing down.  Displays were being moved out.  My friend found out if I went over there they would sell me displays.  I bought all the displays that were left in the store for $500.  Four large glass cases and 3 double sided units.  It was not what I imagined.  It was affordable.  Lesson #1 in opening a business - sometimes common sense takes over.  I sold two glass cabinets for $100 each.  I got the start of my store for $300.  Still do not love it but I make it work.
I went to a local antique store.  I found 3 tables I loved, a great buffet for coffee to sit on, and a booth that came from the place I went for candy when I was a child.  That was perfect.  I love the symmetry of that booth.  (People recognize it when they come in the store.  They love that it is in my sweet shop.)
Does it all seem too easy?  I knew I was on the right path.  I just kept following that path.  Hubby was not on the path with me.  I just kept walking.

So It Begins

One of the most common questions I get is, what made you decide to open a candy store?  The answer should be, it is something I planned for a long time.  From a very young age I knew that one day, I would own a candy shop.  Not true at all.  The truth is I always dreamed of a coffee shop with a bookstore.  Two of my passions.  It was one of those, "this will never happen" dreams.  My days were spent working a VERY boring job sitting at a computer.  I researched a book store.  Found out they rarely survive.  More so now with Kindle and Nook.  I filed the dream in a folder marked, "If I Ever Win The Lottery." 
At my yearly check-up I was discussing my job with my doctor.  Telling her how stressful and terrible it was.  She said the most obvious statement, "Do you remember you only have one life on this Earth?  You need to find a job you love."  Obviously, we all know that to be the truth.  On that particular day, the statement hit me in the face.  I knew I had to make a change.  I started looking at early retirement.  (Early retirement = throwing away all security in old age.)  Now there were two things rolling around in my brain, I can get out of this terrible job and find something that brings me joy. 
That is how this journey started.  It was a journey that I was not in control of.  Never in my life have I felt that I was 100% being led and this is what I was meant to do.  My daughter said, our town needs a place where people can take their children.  When we go for a walk, we need to be able to have a candy store as the destination.  We went out of town to check out a candy store.  We looked at the store and continued walking looking at more adorable stores.  I went to a gypsy type store.  I love burning sage and carrying crystals. Love to read about all this power from the Earth.  I bought a few stones.  I cannot remember what all of them were for.  I do know one was to give me courage, one was to give me clarity.  Those were two things I needed. 
Courage and clarity could only take me so far.  I was talking about my candy store idea and my son-in-law said, the building next door to our building is for rent.  Very, very low rent.  The bank owns it for the parking lot.  They do not want to make money off of it.  Now I have an idea and a building.  I was saving money to buy a new car, I also had some cash.  I started talking about the BIG IDEA to my Hubby.  He ignored me.  I showed him the building.  He ignored me.  I leased the building and filled out my retirement papers.  That got his attention.
What Hubby wanted was nothing more than most people with common sense would want, a Business Plan.  Duh!  Obviously, a person cannot start a business without a plan.  That is............unless they really, really feel like they are being led on this journey and cannot fail.  In my soul I knew that this is what I was meant to do.  Business Plan be damned darned!

Next:  How does it all come together and did it take special rocks to make it happen!